Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thailand takes part in ‘Drink Savvy’ regional CSR campaign

CSR campaign kicks off first ‘I Drink Savvy’ contest

Invites consumers in 12 countries in Asia Pacific to submit a video clip or photo with a message on responsible drinking

Entry with the most creative ‘drink-savvy’ idea wins a 10-day trip for two to Australia including travel expenses

Campaign is the first of its kind for consumers in Asia Pacific to learn about, value and enjoy drinking responsibly
Closing date for photos and video clips entries is 31 March 2010

Thailand is one of the 12 countries selected for the regional roll out of the ‘Drink Savvy’ campaign launched by Asia Pacific Breweries (APB). A dedicated online website (, created for this unique CSR (corporate social responsibility) campaign, serves to promote and educate consumers on responsible drinking.

Mr. Roland Pirmez, APB’s chief executive officer, said, “To be savvy is to understand and comprehend. Thus, to drink savvy means to understand alcohol and how it affects us. More importantly, it is about making well-informed and responsible decisions about drinking.”

Interested parties in Thailand are invited to visit the website to learn more about responsible drinking practices. It is the first website of its kind that actively involves various stakeholders to learn about, value and enjoy drinking responsibly.

"We want to do more than merely educate stakeholders, provide practical information about alcohol and describe how we can use it responsibly," added Mr. Pirmez.

In addition, the campaign is tapping on the power of social media, namely Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, and Kai Xin Wang as well as major bloggers to reach out to the public and build a community of followers to support the ‘drink savvy’ cause and remember the good times together.

Its first major initiative under the campaign is the ‘I Drink Savvy’ competition, inviting contestants in the region to capture and submit home videos, voice recordings or photos that support the ‘drink savvy’ theme. The online competition is open to participants in 12 countries in Asia Pacific including Thailand, China, India, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, and Papua New Guinea. The closing date for entries submission is 31 March 2010.

The most creative ‘drink-savvy’ entry entitles the winner to a 10-day trip for two to Australia to see the best of Sydney combined with the scenic Whitsunday Islands and cosmopolitan Cairns. The package is inclusive of travel expenses.

“By bringing about awareness, engagement and active participation in a fun way, we hope to generate a multiplier effect and widen our circumference of influence to have more consumers learn, appreciate, practise and support responsible drinking,” commented Mr. Pirmez.

In Thailand, Thai Asia Pacific Brewery (TAPB), APB’s operating company in Thailand, has conducted several CSR initatives on drinking responsibly. The ‘Drink Don’t Drive 1555’ campaign – aimed at reducing the number of traffic accidents – implemented with the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) and partners, encourages people who drink to refrain from driving, and to call the 1555 hotline to request for a taxi pick-up or a ‘volunteer driver’ service.

The features bite-size factoids about alcohol and its effects on the body through the section, ‘Alcohol Savvy’ as well as practical advice on drinking responsibly via ‘Savvy Tips’.

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